Ohana is the Hawaiian word for "family," but it's also much more than that. "[T]he concept of ohana can go beyond blood relatives to describe family that’s not formally related, but who are nevertheless bound by circumstances or inclination," according to Dictionary.com.
This week, Diana has been spending time with her XP ohana in Bolzano, Italy at the XP 2024 conference. Over the course of the month, she'll make her way to Munich to spend time with another ohana at the agileworld conference coming up on July 1-2. Ohana is the best word to describe the people she connects with at these conferences (both the familiar faces and the new ones) because they fill her cup in only the way that family can.
The definition on Dictionary.com goes on to say, "In addition to describing relationship networks, ohana carries a certain responsibility. When you’re part of an ohana, you have an obligation to take care of those in your circles, and they have an obligation to take care of you." Whether you find your ohanas in the Agile community or elsewhere, we hope you feel cared for by your circles as much as Diana does. We hope that your cup too overflows.